This nationally recognised unit addresses the competency required to access, interpret and apply site traffic management plan procedures to ensure traffic is controlled safely and ensure the safety of construction and maintenance workers and the general public.
Course content includes
Preparing to implement traffic management plan
- Determining worksite requirements and scope of traffic management plan and traffic guidance scheme
- Identifying and addressing and controlling potential risks, hazards and environmental issues
- Validating suitability of traffic management plan and traffic guidance scheme and confirming requirements are met
- Ensuring personnel are resourced and receive instructions to implement traffic management plan and traffic guidance scheme
- Confirming communication requirements are addressed
Setting out traffic guidance scheme
- Installing and inspecting signs and devices according to the traffic guidance scheme
- Inspecting traffic guidance scheme and authorising work crew to proceed
- Confirming work crew are protected from worksite hazards
Monitoring traffic guidance scheme
- Confirming traffic flow is being monitored by required personnel
- Applying adjustments to traffic guidance scheme if necessary, to maintain required traffic flow
- Monitoring work activities and applying required measures to ensure work crew and road user compliance
- Procedure for reporting offending motorists
Closing down work activities
- Removal or covering of signage, devices and equipment as required
- Checking, cleaning, maintaining and storing tools and equipment
- Finalising traffic work zone and closing down work site